Power Brand Case Studies

Growing revenues and Creating freedom is what we do

How Video Power Marketing Achieved 3x Revenue Growth and Scaled Responsibly

Revenue Growth Story & Case Study

Video Power isn't just one of the greatest YouTube Ad companies in the world. They're also one of the most balanced cultures. Helping Jake expand that vision is a legacy First Class Business is proud to be a part of.

How Seattle’s Family Dentistry Reaped the Benefits of a Powerful PPC Campaign

PPC Case Study

Duration: 4 Months of Dental Implant Leads

Total Conversions: 72 high-quality, patient leads. 

Conversion Rate Increase: 237%

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Harnessing the Power of Facebook Ads for New Jersey Airflow

Facebook Ads Case Study

Duration: 3 Months with same ad spend.

November: 17 conversions

December: 25 conversions

January: 43 conversions

Total 3 Month Conversions: 85 new leads

Conversion Rate Increase: 153%

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Driving Real Estate Conversions for Capital City with an Aggressive Pay-Per-Click Campaign

PPC Case Study

Without First Class Business they were stagnant.

August 2019: 9 New Leads

With First Class Business:

Sept 2019-Jan 2020: 21 / 33 / 37 / 45 / 87 New Leads

Increase of 866% in New Leads, 6 months later.

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Pacific West Roofing: Transforming Clicks and Visits to Customers

PPC Case Study

Drumroll, please!

39 super hot roofing leads for our client so far.

266% increase since day 1 of launch.

According to PWR, they're closing 1 in every 4 at 25%!

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